Daniel McCaffrey made a few friends sign a contract in high school that obligated them to form a band together. The agreement was kept and they officially became a band; after a house show guitarist Nicholas Riviezzo joined the band. Since the original high school formation of SWIM, under a different name, the line up has changed a bit. Those high school friends have parted ways and drummer Brian D'Angio and bassist/keyboardist Patrick Morelli joined. The band, while still under the original name, released their first EP their senior year of high school and have been putting out music that gets better with each release since that EP.

Each musician in SWIM got into music in different ways. Morelli was a big fan of School of Rock when he was a kid. Once he realized that anyone could write music he knew he had to be in a band as soon as he possibly could. Riviezzo's parents had a collection of classic rock albums that he took a liking to at a young age. From there he began playing Guitar Hero only to realize that he could pick up a real guitar instead of just playing a video game, as soon as he did so he knew he wanted to be in a band. D'Angio's older brother played piano so he decided to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a musician. He began playing drums when he was in his school's band, but did not take it seriously until he got to play drums in high school jazz band. McCaffrey listened to the classics with his parents on long car rides around the same time his grandfather introduced him to The Beatles. In high school McCaffrey began to take a serious interest in classic rock and has been trying to embody his favorite artists ever since. Although their first steps into music are all rooted in classic rock SWIM creates a sound that is nearly genre-less. 

As the band develops in both taste and skill their sound changes to match that. The band is currently working on a full length LP, a task that has been harder than they had anticipated. This unexpected difficulty is not deterring them, but it has prevented them from setting a release date. The writing, recording and release of a full length album has been a goal of SWIM's for quite some time. 


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