The best type of bands don't take themselves seriously. The moment you start to take your creative outlet super seriously is the moment it loses the fun. Talkie makes music for the fun of it. Do they want to make it big and have a successful career out of it? Absolutely. Will they make a career out of it if it means having to take themselves seriously? Probably not.
Talkie formed in 2014 after they toured together in separate bands. They gained inspiration to create a "super band" after watching a Foo Fighters DVD on tour. Talkie is made up of drummer Eric Martin, bassist Matt Hagmann, guitarist Brad Hagmann, and guitarist Chris Isaacs. Each musician in the band got into music in different ways. Isaacs' heard Green Day's Dookie and instantly wanted to be a musician. Hagmann has wanted to be in a band since he saw That Thing You Do, that's right- the Tom Hanks movie. Despite Tom Hank's blatant disrespect towards bassists, which Hagmann notes, he has wanted to be a bassist since he saw that movie. Martin grew up watching bands his father was in; his father is in his sixties and is still putting out records, a feat Martin aims for.
Talkie has a long list of reasons why music is important to each member, but most notably it is the fact that music provides a cathartic experience while creating a community. Most every member of Talkie has been around music their whole lives so they are not truly sure what it is like to be without it.
Each member of Talkie shares equal writing and vocal duties. Though if you see them live the shared vocal duties may not be apparent, but they assure their listeners they do in fact take turns. Through these shared duties their end goal is to write the "job-quitter": the song that allows them to quit their day jobs and make music full time. Ultimately the goal is to always be creating and always enjoy it.
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