
Twïnn, is made up of Sean Healey and Gjon Gjevalini who both play whatever instruments they find fitting for their music. The duo creates a dreamy indie pop sound that is inspired by a nearly endless list of their favorite artists. This list includes: James Taylor, The Who, The Rentals, and Radiohead. Twïnn has been putting their energy into two singles. The first, 'Waves', was released in November 2020. The single was inspired by "mid-90's breakbeat drums", like what can be heard on Warp/Planet Mu Records. Both singles take the experimental ideas of the band's last EP and complete each of those ideas. Healey describes the mixing of the singles as, "organic, but electric simultaneously." 

Healey grew up in a household that was driven by pop and rock from the 1960's and 70's. His father, an avid classical music listener, exposed Healey to a vast array of sound from an early age. Healey has found that music is one of the best forms of escapism. "Music is one of the most potent ways to escape from the din of reality and travel to places that are unexpected, beautiful, or even terrifying." 

Gjevalini became interested in music after seeing a group of his friends play Sublime covers when they were 13. He went home and asked his parents for a bass, they said no, but eventually he wore them down and they got him a bass. He started truly listening to music when he got into Pink Floyd, they were the first band Gjevalini listened to at more than a surface level. 

Twïnn was formed after Gjevalini asked Healey to play drums for one show with a project called NTM. They rehearsed for a few weeks, played the show and just never stopped working together. The band now aims to grow their audience, although they'd still be making music with no one listening. They hope people will want to listen to Twïnn because the music touches them, not because someone said that they should listen to the band. "You always hope the music you make with other people succeeds in reaching people out there who might be moved by what you do," explained Healey. 


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