Adjust The Sails
When traditional therapy became too expensive Shane Hurst began making music as a form of self therapy. It made sense for Hurst to turn to music as it has been a constant in his life. He began playing in a school band in third grade and has not stopped making music since. He began writing what he was feeling; his music is self reflective rather than blaming his problems on everyone else like most other emo and pop punk artists tend to do. This form of self therapy became a solo project called Adjust The Sails.
While Hurst writes his music for himself he shares it in hopes that it might make at least one person feel less alone. He wants to be what bands like My Chemical Romance were for him while he was in high school: a reminder that he is not the only one feeling the way he is at any given moment.
Adjust The Sails aims to shine a light on the fact that you might be the reason for your problems and that's okay. Hurst's music helps people navigate why they're feeling down and how they can look within themselves and resolve that feeling. Hurst is a firm believer in taking responsibility for your feelings rather than blaming everyone else for your problems.
Hurst not only finds music therapeutic, but he also has a good time making music. He loves seeing all the little parts come together to make something that sounds good. Being able to see that riff he had to play a hundred times to get just right fit into a song is a rewarding moment for Hurst.
While there is currently no new music for Adjust The Sails in the works, Hurst is active on his social media(s), focusing on making sure his music is reaching as many people as it possibly can.
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