
Alaric Bloss spent quite a bit of his childhood listening to music with his father. Bloss' father had a collection of tapes and CDs that Bloss would take into his room without his father knowing he had taken them. When Bloss turned 11 his father bought him his first guitar. He taught himself how to play guitar, but was not confident in his skills until he was about 19. Bloss took piano lessons for a year, but quit out of fear he would learn too much music theory. In retrospect he would have progressed more quickly as an artist had he stuck to piano lessons. In addition to guitar he taught himself keys and bass guitar. 

Bloss Belizes music is the most harmless, accessible form of escapism. "I think no matter what someone goes through (heavy or happy) there is always a sound associated with the path," says Bloss. Maybe his music will be positively associated with the memories of his listeners. 

Bloss finds strong inspiration in books and films. Authors like Kurt Vonnegut, Albert Camus, and Aldous Huxley have strong inspiration on Bloss when he writes lyrics. He finds David Lynch's work incredibly inspiring; in fact Bloss wrote a song called 'Varicose' based on a scene in Twin Peaks. He has taken all this inspiration to create his solo project Bircher. 

Under Bircher, Bloss has made an album titled Lose The Decorations. The whole idea of the album is trying not to celebrate before the work is done. The title track holds abstract lyrics that convey the story of change. "I am not really writing anything other than the perspective of someone realizing a change is about to happen," explained Bloss. The entire album is all about change and growth; the theme is carried with a sound Bloss has created completely on his own as he does all the writing and recording for Bircher. 


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