The Color Pink

Michelangelo Iansito grew up in a musically driven family. Iansito spent a good amount of time at his grandparent's house; his grandfather, a very old school Italian man, was an opera singer. Iansito's grandfather would sing all the time and the rest of his family always had music playing, all the time, of all genres. He spent his childhood learning all about music eventually starting drum lessons, which he took up until he went to college. 

When Iansito was in middle school he told a new friend that he had a drum set so he would be able to jam with his friend. He immediately began asking around to see if anyone he knew had a drum set he could borrow. After finding one he was able to play with a group of friends who would become his first band. Iansito now puts music out under a solo project called The Color Pink. 

Taking inspiration from every little thing in life Iansito has released two singles and an EP in the last few months. He will be putting out a third single in the near future. This third single will be more expressive than his music has been in the past; the single will tell a story in its lyrics. With every piece of music whether it be an album, EP or single Iansito hand draws his own cover art. In addition to music listeners receive a visual that adds to the experience The Color Pink creates. 

The Color Pink is inspired by a mix of musicians: Supertramp, The Beatles, Grizzly Bear, and Pink Floyd. Inspiration is clearly not limited to the work of other musicians. Iansito spends a fair amount of time just taking in everything around him to use later as inspiration. He has a love of sad stories which often finds its way into his writing. 

Iansito finds joy in being able to manipulate sound in whatever way he wants in order to create whatever he feels. Being able to do whatever he wants in terms of music gives him ultimate creative freedom. 


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