Tall Boy Special

Tall Boy Special is the comedy band that everyone needs. Their music is sure to put every listener in a good mood. Which is exactly what one of their goals is. 

John MacGreggor met Zack Barker at college improv auditions. Barker was already on the cast; when MacGreggor made it onto the cast the pair quickly bonded through their shared love of comedy and the fact that MacGreggor was old enough to buy alcohol. But their friendship was put to the test when Barker did an interview that declared him the funniest man on campus, a statement MacGreggor disagreed with. MacGreggor also met Alex Kagy through improv. The two were a part of "The Princess Club"as well as two other improv teams: "Just Suspects" and "What Up Doe".  At this point Barker and MacGreggor's friendship was able to recover from the interview incident so he and Kagy invited Barker to join them in "Just Suspects". The trio remained friends after college and made a move to LA where they decided they would do one last comedy show together. They booked a show, played some comedy music, were loved by their small audience and decided they should continue to write comedy music. 

The band works hard to make music they would want to listen to. Through making music Tall Boy Special hopes to get a record or tv deal, play a Tiny Desk Concert and generally make their listeners happy.

Tall Boy Special has shown off their excellent comedy... and musical chops in their single 'Fictional Isle'. A song that is sure to brighten the mood of anyone listening. They have just put out a Halloween album titled Monster Music


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