Evan Kuntz

For Evan Kuntz music was the first thing he ever found enjoyable. Growing up Kuntz would try as many new activities and sports as he could in search of a hobby. Music just fell into his lap as a hobby and a creative outlet. "I didn't even know that I needed a creative outlet, until I found music" explains Kuntz. Music allows him to be creative and completely in control. Writing and producing all his own music gives Kuntz something to be in control of in a world that is nearly in complete control of him. 

Since finding music Kuntz has taught himself how to play guitar. The moment he found an old guitar in his father's closet he began teaching himself to play. The first day he had the guitar he played until his fingers bled. In the last two years he has been teaching himself other people's songs in order to learn new chords. He rarely finishes learning another artist's song, when he learns the new chords he implements them to his own music. 

Kuntz makes music that truly resonates with him. He is drawn to lyrics that are about relationships- platonic and romantic, so that's what he writes his lyrics about. A lot of today's popular music is about the more "trivial" parts of life that do not necessarily enhance the human experience. Deeply inspired by Mac Demarco, an artist who seems to know what is important in his lyrics, Kuntz aims to remain "wholesome and honest" with in his music.

Kuntz's newest project is a five song EP titled "Heartfelt". The five songs are all produced in the most simple way possible as a way to let Kuntz show who he is an artist "flaws and all". The EP is home to "hopeless romantic love songs" that have no release date yet. 

Making music is not about becoming rich and famous, it is purely about the love of making art. Kuntz simply wants to make music that he is proud of; "Heartfelt" is the first thing he has made that he is genuinely proud to put into the world. He wants to continue making art that he feels good about. It is not about making something you think everyone will like. Art loses it's purpose when it is made from a place of people pleasing. 


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