Black Licorice
As a child Conner Farrell was exposed to darker and heavier material than most children. His mother would play cds in the car all the time, this exposure to music started a love for guitar. Farrell did not start playing until the summer before high school. Guitar was the first instrument that he put any effort into. In early 2019 he began putting effort into another instrument: his voice. Finding writing inspiration in The Strokes Farrell writes about anything that is bothering him.
Jason Nierenberg grew up listening to classic rock. When he was only six years old his mother put him into piano lessons; these lessons lasted only until his father picked up the card of a drum teacher. Nierenberg made an easy choice and switched to drums. He takes a lot of personal inspiration in a few sub genres of rock n roll: classic rock, metal, and 2000's Alternative rock.
Isabelle Bain was in an accident that bound her to a wheelchair for a while so while she was stuck sitting around she picked up bass guitar. Bain's biggest influence is Yes. When she writes for Black Licorice she pulls from Chris Squire's bass tone as it fits the band's sound so well.
Black Licorice was formed by guitarist and lead vocalist, Farrell, when he got tired of playing covers with people he did not love being around. After deciding he wanted to play good music with good people he enlisted Marshall, a neighbor kid who was known as being an amazing keyboardist. Black Licorice was a two piece for a while, later adding Bain on bass and backing vocals and Nierenberg on drums. Since then the line up has changed a bit; the group is now a three piece. Farrell formed Black Licorice in the hopes of avoiding being pushed into college, getting stuck in a subpar career and becoming nothing. He is working hard to push the band into the spotlight with everything he can. The music is raw, real and impossible to hide behind. "All my anger, all my frustration, is just unleashed onto the stage," explains Farrell. "But more importantly all that emotion is let out onto the ears, into the song, it's just unleashed in it's raw entirety."
Black Licorice has several songs in the works, it is only a matter of figuring out what songs are worth finishing. The band's most recent release "Cough Drops and LaCroix" is like most of their music, in which it holds a sound that feels very punk and very raw.
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