Drummer's Brother

Drummer's Brother does what any good cover band is expected to do: play Free Fallin' at their local bar and post covers on the internet. 
While Free Fallin' is a favorite in bars across America the members of Drummer's Brother prefer to play more folk pop songs than classic rock. 
Both members of Drummer's Brother grew up around music. Evan Sansom spent his childhood watching his father's band play at local events. Zane Crites joined band in seventh grade starting on trumpet and eventually working his way to guitar through a tiny misdemeanor: stealing a beat up guitar from a practice room at his school. After committing this small crime he learned a bit and began to get comfortable enough to play in front of a crowd. Crites' sister eventually convinced him to get on stage at an open mic night. The crowd gave him positive feedback leading him to think forming a band might be fun. He enlisted his friend and bassist Sansom. 
Crites tends to lean towards folk music; artists like Connor Oberst and Phoebe Bridger. Generally any music that is acoustic or laid back. Sansom listens to music that lands in the indie genre, but still pretty soft sounding. Artists like John Mayer, Peach Pit and The Wallows. The pair bounce songs off each other in search of finding songs that fit Crites' vocal range and Sansom's bass skills. 
Drummer's Brother hopes to continue putting out more covers, both live and on SoundCloud. Maybe even an album one day. 
Drummer's Brother is lacking in one thing: a drummer. The pair keep up with their covers and even enjoy their lack of a drummer. The only drummer in Drummer's Brother is whatever over excited bar goer thinks they can keep a beat. 


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