Emmy Warr

Emmy Warr focuses on improving her skills in a technical fashion as well as creatively as she works on writing her own music. "I feel like artists never want to admit that it's actually super hard," says Warr. While she works hard to perfect her own song writing Warr plays covers of the artists that inspired her to start playing guitar in the first place. Artists that she heard in the car while she was growing up. She posts her covers to her Instagram @ratsematary. She also has a few full length acoustic covers on YouTube, but since her primary focus is Instagram that is where nearly all her covers live. 
When Warr was a child she would hear what her parents liked, bands like The Smiths, The Beatles and the Sex Pistols. She liked all of these bands in the passive way that a person who just listens and does not truly understand. Eventually she found Green Day. This was an important discovery considering Green Day was her welcome to punk. From there Warr found other bands that she finds inspiration in. Possibly the most important discovery was Paramore; the band's female lead singer, Hayley Williams, helped Warr see that girls could be talented rock musicians too. 
Outside of other artist Warr finds inspiration in the world around her. Specifically in hot ticket social issues. 
Warr never took a real guitar lesson. She took lessons in other instruments, none of which stuck due to lack of passion. Warr's father, the person who motivates her to play guitar, showed her how to hold the guitar and a couple of simple chords. With a little help from the internet she figured it out all by herself. Warr played in an Irish Folk music group that taught her how to play with others and pushed her to progress her own playing. Other than those few pointers given by friends and family she is self taught. 
As Warr writes music that the world will hear someday she tries to really express herself. "I'm trying to convey something as opposed to just making noise," says Warr. She aims to make music that has a message. 


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