No Such Season

No Such Season is self taught band based out of Seattle. They play "grunge metal with punk overtones"; so a little heavier music. They take inspirations from the bands such as Clutch, Rush, Motorhead, Alice in Chains, and Beastie Boys as well as a plethora of other musicians and band. You can find them on almost every streaming service where music is found. 
Drummer Chad Anderson got into music back when MTV actually played music. He would sneak into the living room to watch the Headbangers Ball; the program that played heavy metal and obscure artists late at night... basically the opposite of the Top 40 music videos played during the day. As a child Daunish Chaudry became infatuated with jazz and funk after listening to his parent's Motown records, but after discovering the grunge scene became a bit more likely to play grunge and rock. Guitarist Willem Coumou grew up with music seeing as his father plays acoustic guitar. At a young age he began playing piano and guitar for fun. After discovering the Seattle grunge scene he decided to make music his career. As for frontman Aaron Sparks, he's simply living out his dream of being a frontman. 
No Such Season just released a new EP; the inspirations behind the EP include drinking and fighting. The self titled EP can be found on most major streaming services. The EP was recorded in Poltergeist Studios owned by Daunish Chaudry and mixed, mastered, and engineered by Terry Paulson. No Such Season is currently working towards the release of a LP over the course of the next year. 
They currently do not have any shows booked as they are working towards getting new material written and recorded. You can follow No Such Season on Instagram @nosuchseason for updates on new music and upcoming shows. 


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