Deal Casino

Alternative pop band Deal Casino strives to write about the real and raw aspects of life. Unlike mainstream pop, their music has heavy meaning. Deal Casino loves the ability to write the best song ever in five minutes, but they can also take a year on a song that could very well be the worst song ever. You never know what you're going to get. Every day is different, for them the only consistent thing is music. 
Deal Casino sets themselves apart from other artists by worrying about writing music that will sound good live and writing music that can be performed. Some artists just play their songs, not putting any thought into the performance. Deal Casino values being able to keep the attention of their audience while keeping them visually entertained. 
Born in Asbury Park, New Jersey: Deal Casino is a mostly self-taught band. Keyboard player and guitarist Joe C. gained experience from playing in his high school's concert band. Jon Rodney is 100% self-taught, he began playing with just two strings on his bass. Drummer and vocalist Chris Donofrio is also 100% self-taught due to the fact he was a self proclaimed "little jerk" about taking lessons. Guitarist Joe P. is roughly 50/50; he learned about half through lessons and half through playing along with records. 
If you're from the east coast head on out to New Jersey: Deal Casino will be playing a hometown show at the Asbury Park Brewery on August 8th. If you're not lucky enough to make it out to Jersey be sure and listen to Deal Casino on whatever streaming service you use. Be sure to follow them on instagram @_dealcasino_ .


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