Illicit Ghost
Solo artist Illicit Ghost plays piano, clarinet, and guitar, but specializes on the violin. She began playing violin at three years old. Back then it was a forced, stressful experience with strict teachers. Getting to learn the skill at such a young age has been a greatly appreciated advantage. Now, playing violin is more of a therapeutic, soothing experience. Even at a young age Illicit Ghost knew that she was going to be a musician after learning that music provides a sensation that makes her feel complete.
Illicit Ghost plays around with different pedals to distort the sound, the distorted heavy sounds come through as a punk undertone. Although she plays Indie Pop, punk and classical influences can be heard. She also draws influences from Fiona Apple who has been the most influential artist to Illicit Ghost.
Illicit Ghost writes and records all her own music. In addition to her own music, she writes and records violin tracks for other artists. When she records vocals she cozies up under a blanket, in a safe little nook where no one else can hear her. You, however, can hear her on all streaming services. As of right now she only has three songs up, but there will be more soon. Make sure and follow her on Instagram @illicitghost.
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