World Machine

With a name that is used to identify diversity in their sound and production, World Machine brings guitar R&B to East London; classic R&B influences with a more modern electronic and guitar sound.
Vocalist, Jack Shea, got into music in his early teens. Listening to popular 80's groups like Duran Druan and Wham, something about these and other artists of the 1980's resonated with him. Guitarist Naz Kalsey, grew up in a slightly grimier area. Location greatly influenced what he listened to and how he played. However Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde showed Kalsey a softer side of music, a side that greatly influences his writing today. Together Shea and Kalsey find inspiration from Michael Jackson and Prince. Not only in their music, but in their stage presences: both of which are made up of confidence and power. 
World Machine believes that music knows no age or background, therefore holds no limits. Music is an ever changing thing that means something different to every body.
World Machine has a unique and diverse writing style that gets tied together when played with drummer, Luca Romano. They hope to further explore and exceed expectations in their music. You can listen to them on most major streaming services and watch their videos on YouTube. Follow them on Instagram @worldmachineband for upcoming gig dates in April.  


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