Bailey Dean

Bailey Dean refuses to accept that he's a musician. With a quick google search you'll find the definition of a musician. The definition reads, "a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented." Bailey will detest this definition or any other definition of a musician in regards of himself and his own playing abilities. However, he is in fact musically talented.
Bailey Dean has been around music his whole life. Growing up he had a lot of different music played around the house. His dad would play any local classic rock station on the radio and his mom played pop hits from the 80's. When his older brother started middle school band he brought home drumsticks. Bailey couldn't keep his attention or his hands off the sticks. He'd bang on anything he could find, from buckets to pots. Eventually his mom got tired of Bailey banging on buckets, so she got him and his brothers Rockband. Bailey would take his turn, then go back to his buckets until it was his turn again. If you ask him, he'll tell you Rockband is where it all started.
In middle school Bailey started band and became a percussionist. Since he started band all he wanted to do was play the drum kit in the band room. Never getting his chance until his junior year of high school.
A few years ago Bailey Dean received a ukulele as a Christmas gift. He almost immediately locked himself in his room and came out just as soon as he could play something, Sweet Child O Mine. A while later and a family trip to Hawaii on the horizon, Bailey made a goal to come home with a new ukulele. After coming home with a ukulele Bailey has continued to better his ukulele skills.
In December of 2018, Bailey Dean took up guitar. He knew some of the basics, but hardly anything. So he took it upon himself to play an Arctic Monkeys song. Since he really got into music, Arctic Monkeys has been a driving force in his love of music. So it was only fitting that the first song he learned was R U Mine?.
To Bailey Dean having a favorite part of music seems insane, he says there is too much to music to pick a favorite part. But if you ask me, I'd tell you his favorite part of  music is watching it live. He gets an almost manic look in his eyes. You can feel the pure euphoria radiating off him.

"Music. Is. Everything."


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